Louisiana Knife Laws

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Louisiana has a diverse and rich culture with many different influences from the Cajun and Creole cultures. The state also has very strict laws about knives.

Louisiana law states that any knife with a blade of more than five inches is considered a weapon, and is illegal if carried on one’s person. This law applies to both open and concealed carry.

Knife laws in Louisiana are a bit more confusing than other states. The reason for this is that the state legislature has, over the years, enacted a number of different pieces of legislation related to knives.

Identifying Which Types of Knives are Legal in Louisiana

It is illegal to carry a switchblade in Louisiana, but pocket knives are legal if they are less than 5 inches long.

A pocket knife with a blade that is 4 inches or less in length is legal, but you cannot carry a switchblade, dagger, dirk, stiletto, straight-edge razor or box cutter.

It’s important to keep in mind that some knives are considered “dangerous weapons”, meaning that you cannot carry them on your person without a legal permit.

The type of knife that you’re carrying matters. In Louisiana, it’s illegal to carry a switchblade. In addition, there are restrictions on what kind of knives you can carry in public.

In general, if the blade is longer than 3 inches, then the knife may be considered a weapon and not an implement of self-defense or utility tool. If the blade is shorter than 3 inches and has a folding mechanism, it can be considered a utility tool and not a weapon.

Possession and Carrying Restrictions on Knives

In Louisiana, knives are considered weapons and you can be charged with a felony if you carry or conceal one. Knives can be carried in a sheath or scabbard on your belt but they cannot be concealed on your person.

Louisiana law states that there are no limits on the number of knives you can carry if they are concealed.

The carrying of knives is largely unrestricted in Louisiana, with the exception that it is illegal to carry a knife or other cutting instrument on your person when you are intoxicated.

If you conceal your knives, then there are no limits to how many you can carry. If you do not conceal them, then there is a limit of one blade per person.

Conclusion and Tips on Knife Ownership and Usage

In conclusion, if you have a knife and carry it for self defense, be sure to register it with the proper authorities.

Knife ownership is a privilege that comes with responsibility. If you find a knife on the ground, do not touch it and call your local legal jurisdiction for assistance.

For most cities, carrying a knife of any size is illegal. You can’t carry it in your pocket, or have it strapped to your belt. If you’re caught with a knife that’s less than 3 inches long, then it’s considered a misdemeanor offense and you could face up to 6 months in jail. If the knife is over 3 inches long then it’s considered a felony offense and can lead up to 3 years in prison if convicted.

It’s important to make sure that your knives are stored safely at home so they don’t fall into the wrong hands with disastrous consequences.


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